
  • 哥德堡
  • 瑞典

澳门葡京赌博游戏的人民 support the entire life cycle of medicines. That’s everything from idea generation through discovery research, via early and late-stage clinical development, to pilot scale manufacturing, 分布, 全球商业化, 以及产品维护.






Of our employees are born in another country


Of our line managers are female


Our team of world-renowned scientists work in all our research therapy areas, including cardiovascular diseases, 肾脏疾病, 代谢疾病, 呼吸道疾病(呼吸系统疾病), 免疫疾病, 癌症, 以及罕见疾病. 哥德堡基地的一个独特之处在于,澳门葡京赌博游戏拥有支持药物整个生命周期所需的大部分资源和专业知识. 这包括从创意产生到全球商业化和产品维护的所有事情.

在这里, as in all our research efforts worldwide, we strive to enhance our understanding of disease biology, discover new ways to target drivers of disease, better predict clinical success, and pioneer new approaches to engagement in the clinic.

Our largest unit for the manufacture of clinical supplies

在哥德堡,澳门葡京赌博游戏拥有最大和最多样化的临床用品制造设备. We have highly modern facilities for producing oral, 注射用药物的, and inhaled products across research therapy areas, including capabilities for packaging, labelling and worldwide 分布. We continue to invest in the most modern processes and technologies, a recent example is a state-of-the-art continuous manufacturing line.

Pioneering activity-based labs

哥德堡基地在科学上的领先地位背后的驱动力是澳门葡京赌博游戏的完全灵活, activity-based labs that have inspired other businesses to follow suit. 它们使来自不同治疗领域和学科的科学家能够会面, 事实证明,哪种方法可以增加实验次数,从而为患者带来科学突破的机会. 澳门葡京赌博游戏以活动为基础的实验室通过减少对空间的需求和增加实验室设备的使用,帮助澳门葡京赌博游戏更加环保可持续. This makes it possible for us to invest in more advanced equipment.

观看视频,跟随澳门葡京赌博游戏的一位科学家安妮塔在实验室度过一天. You can also take a virtual tour of some of our labs 在这里.

Unique culture of collaboration and open innovation

Our site is an incredibly vibrant and diverse place, 大约3个,000 employees and a high proportion of international talent. More than a third of our employees are born in another country. A wide range of different professional groups work 在这里: chemists, 医生, 经济学家, 律师, 传播者, 项目经理, 实验室助理, IT specialists and many others. 包容性和多样性 are embedded into everything we do, 通过挑战传统思维,推动创造力和人们为患者进行创新.

New collaboration models to create the future of healthcare

Tomorrow’s healthcare with a focus on prediction, 预防和个性化需要跨学科和跨部门合作达到新的水平. 在哥德堡,澳门葡京赌博游戏与全球的工业界、学术界和公共部门合作. 澳门葡京赌博游戏是几个创新中心和一个生命科学集群的发起者,以开发包括药物在内的健康解决方案, 但也要超越它们. Read more about some of our initiatives below. Interested in partnering with us? 访问澳门葡京赌博游戏的合作页面!


electricity use from renewable sources and renewable heat


investment in partnership commitments with academic institutions since 2010




澳门葡京赌博游戏积极致力于激发瑞典年轻人对科学技术的兴趣. 澳门葡京赌博游戏还与瑞典的非营利组织合作,改善年轻人的身心健康.


十多年来,澳门葡京赌博游戏一直是斯堪的纳维亚最大的科学中心的主要赞助商. 在此期间,澳门葡京赌博游戏有几个合作项目,例如Älska Kemi和Medicinjakten.

The 国际 Science Festival

We collaborate with 'Vetenskapsfestivalen', one of Europe's leading popular science events for school children.

Mentorship and volunteering

澳门葡京赌博游戏所有的员工每年都有8小时的时间在社区做志愿者工作. Together with Mentor Sweden, some of us act as mentors to students. 其他人则通过与Volontärbyrån组织的广泛合作,参与直接或间接促进年轻人福祉和健康的项目.

Veeva ID: Z4-54498 
Date of preparation: April 2023